
Group: DynoMotion Message: 466 From: Lee Studley Date: 6/22/2010
Subject: Generic Automotive Hi Side driver avail at Digikey
Simple solution with protection: Dual or Quad
Thresholds ok for logic that can drive 2.7volts or better.
5v-40v load supply.


On 6/22/2010 11:27 AM, Tom Kerekes wrote:
Hi Bengt,

I agree with all your statements.

Parallel Home and limits are ok.  You might consider having one input for all the + limits and one for all the - limits.

Regarding Home + Index: yes you may do this.  You must write a small homing program to home each axis.  So it is very flexible.  Basically move until you see home, then slow down and move until you see the index.
